Find art museums, classes, and more in Alabama. Learn how to teach art at home and explore wonderful resources to introduce every aspect of the fine arts to your child.
Things to See & Do
Mobile Museum of Art
The new museum, completed in the spring of 2002, is now the largest art museum along the Gulf Coast from New Orleans to Tampa. It is located in Mobile's Langan Park, just two miles from Interstate 65. Offers a permanent collection of more than 6,000 works of art, with American art of the 1930s-40s, work by southern artists, art of the French Barbizon School, contemporary American crafts, late 19th century American art, and Asian, African and European works.
Shankar's International Children's Competition (SICC)
K. Shankar Pillai (July 31, 1902–December 26, 1989) was a famous cartoonist. He brought out a political magazine called ‘Shankar’s Weekly’. Under the auspices of this magazine, a competition called the Shankar’s International Children’s Competition was organized in 1949. It invited paintings and writings from children in India. Children sent about 3,000 entries. The following year the competition was thrown open to children from all over the world.
Today, the competition has grown and about 1,60,000 entries are received from over 130 countries. The entries are judged by an international jury. The prizewinning entries are compiled in a volume called the ‘Shankar’s Children’s Art Number’. The competition is open to children all over the world below the age of 16 years. There is no entry fee and competitors are free to choose the theme/subject they are interested in, or like most, for their paintings/ drawings/writings.
Birmingham Museum of Art
The Birmingham Museum of Art is the largest municipal museum in the Southeast and one of the premier regional art museums in the country. Collection includes more than 21,000 works spanning the history of art from 5000 B.C. to the present. Offers special exhibits and educational programs.
SOS Children's Villages - USA Family Dinner Time Art Contest
The Family Dinner Time Art Contest celebrates family dinner time and kicks off on Thanksgiving each year. Children may submit artwork of their family at dinner time to win a home computer. Artwork can be in any form, but must illustrate a family eating together. For sculptures and other difficult-to-ship items, please send a photo as opposed to the actual artwork.
A winner will be selected from each age group: preschool ages 1-7; grade school ages 8-12; and high school ages 13 -17.
Alabama River Region Arts Center
Their mission is to bring the people of the River Region together to appreciate, learn and create all types of arts and cultures. The Arts Center has four classrooms with access to two overflow classrooms and a staged auditorium. The Pottery Studio is fully equipped with three pottery wheels, a clay press and sink. A second is equipped with a series of floor plugs to accommodate sewing machines, computers, etc. There is a music room with a small number of basic instruments for in-house use. And the fourth contains a number of easels, art horses and tables to support drawing pads and canvas.
Featured Resources
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When Children Love to Learn: A Practical Application of Charlotte Mason's Philosophy for Today
Children want to learn and one of the best approaches to homeschooling is to meet their natural curiosity with support and understanding. Charlotte Mason's educational philosophy does just that. This book offers explanations of how to incorporate Mason's ideas into your teaching, leading to more success in learning and less frustration in the home education environment. This book is a great resource for those embarking on the homeschool journey, as well as being an invaluable resource for those ...
The Way They Learn
The learning-styles expert, Cynthia Ulrich Tobias, gives parents a better understanding of the types of learning approaches that will help their children do better in school and at home. She offers practical advice for teaching in response to your child's strengths, even if his or her learning style is different from yours.
First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind
Includes scripted lessons and lovely illustrations to offer encouragement and understanding to children in grammar, copywork, narration, picture study, and other classical technique. These lessons will help develop the student's language ability and skills in oral composition.
The Organizing Sourcebook : Nine Strategies for Simplifying Your Life
The nine habits of highly organized people Organizing consultant Kathy Waddill demonstrates how the simple act of being organized can improve your quality of life. In The Organizing Sourcebook, she presents nine organizing principles that can easily be applied to any situation, activity, or environment. The book gives you the tools for managing time; decreasing stress; and dealing with cultural, personal, and emotional change. Case histories illustrate how each strategy solved a specific proble...
The Outdoor Life of Children: The Importance of Nature Study and Outside Activities (Charlotte Mason Topics - Volume 2
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